October 22, 2024
Looking to get Pregnant

  Step 3: Pick the Right Time to Conceive.

Once you have monitored your period for awhile, you should have a good idea of the average number of days that it takes for your body to complete a full menstrual cycle. Ovulation occurs roughly halfway through the cycle, usually on day 14 for women whose cycles run 29 days. Sperm can live inside of a woman’s body for 2 to 3 days prior to ovulation, but the egg itself only lives for 12 to 24 hours, making it best to have intercourse a few times the week following your menstrual period.

There are a number of ways that you can simplify monitoring for fertility to ensure the best chances of conception. One method is to use an ovulation indicator. This is a home test kit that consists of a single use wand that you urinate on. Chemicals in the stick are able to check for levels of certain key hormones that increase at the time when you are most fertile. If you are ovulating, a symbol will appear in the window on the stick to let you know that the time is right to try and conceive.

Another way to track fertility is with a fertility monitor. This is a reusable device that features test strips that you hold under a stream of urine or dip into urine every day. The monitor keeps track of your hormone levels over time and can identify the best 3 to 5 days for you to try and conceive. The monitors are more expensive than ovulation tests, but they are often more reliable.

A final method of checking for fertility is with basal body temperature. Your basal body temperature is your lowest body temperature reading of the day. Prior to ovulation, your basal body temperatures raises slightly, so if you take your temperature daily, you can spot the small increase in temperatures and know when the time is right to try and get pregnant. You can purchase a special basal body temperature thermometer that will track your daily temperature for you. With one of these devices, you’ll hear an alarm or see a visual indicator on the digital screen if your temperature has increased, meaning that you are likely to be ovulating.

Whether you choose to use an ovulation indicator, a fertility monitor or a basal body temperature thermometer, it’s important that you read the directions that come with the gadget or test carefully. None of these fertility and ovulation detection methods will be accurate if they are used improperly. Keep in mind that no method of predicting ovulation and fertility is 100 percent accurate even when used correctly. As a result, you may want to combine methods. For example, you could use a fertility monitor and check our basal body temperature daily.

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